Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pam for RAAM

My dear friend Pam is right in the heat of her three year training for The Race Across America. Now, just by the sound of this you can probably guess that this is no easy task. But, to put it in perspective, the race starts in Oceanside Pier, CA and ends in Annapolis, MD - a total of 3,000 miles and 170,000 ft. climbing. This is not a tour either. It's a RACE. Once the clock starts it does not stop until the finish line. Pam is training to complete this in 11 days. ELEVEN DAYS! For anyone who can't reach a calculator, that's roughly 270 miles PER DAY. Nuts? yep. Yep she is.

So that is why I am fully encouraging her to do this. In the next few months I will be working with her to design a campaign to help raise money for her and to benefit her philanthropy - Love INC. Stay tuned to hear more about this crazy lady's adventures.

(I'm great at giving support from the back of her tandem...she never knows when I stop peddling)


  1. Oh my gosh! I vauguely remember Pam! Did she used to go to CF? Or was just just a close family friend of yours??

  2. yep yep! And she was just in the Columbia Trib.
